Mike Mesch – Founder and Sales Engineer
Tel – 303-908-6790

Mike founded Rocky Mountain MotorReps in 2007 and has operated in the motion control arena since 1985.  Prior to that time, he held positions in manufacturing companies with varied product lines.  With a proven record of successful application work, his contribution to your effort will be significant.


Rick Timm – Sales Engineer
Tel – 760-822-1226

Rick joined Rocky Mountain MotorReps in 2019 after a successful career in motion control sales and business management.  He most recently managed a $20MM company through growth, merger and ultimately acquisition.  His application experience over 22 years as it relates to motion control is unrivalled.

Mike Kovaly -  Sales Engineer
Tel – 253-205-5510

Mike Kovaly of MK Engineered Sales has partnered with Rocky Mountain MotorReps in 2021.  Mike has worked over twenty years as a successful industrial electrical sales engineer in Western Washington, now adding manufacturer coverage to the Pacific Northwest area.  His broad range of knowledge and experience will provide solutions for many customer applications.

Feel free to contact Mike or Rick for assistance in your application work.